Saturday, September 18, 2010

Horrible semester

Hello worlds!!!Sorry for the hibernating!!!It's been ages I didn't sign in here...Lazy?I admit! But beside this, there is also mine personality problem...I'm kinda lost my spirit to do everything in this semester. I've had a horrible days in this semester...So yeah, everytime I had failed to get u guys an updated here. Feel like going to change my blog skin to dark color...Obviously light color is not suit me, coz it just make me don't have an intention to update my blog with the KNS moods everytime!

I felt EMPTY somehow!!!
Coz of empty, it once again ur face lingering in my mind! *Erase!Erase! and Erase!!!Go AWAY!!!*
As ah hui said that I need someone who can be able to protect me!
But who wil be the one?
When will he be appearing in front of me?
There is no ANSWER!
I'm just be waiting...

not much to say yet lazy to ...
so...Guys, I am going to end this post here...

Pauline cECILIA is back to EMO status!