It has been a long time i am not updating my blog... I am now feeling confused,annoying and complicated somemore... I don't want to say and note down any unpleasant things in this article... Because in this article, I am going to write about a memorable moment of the day celebrated hui's-my mummy^^ 20th birthday.Very memorable!!!
Celebrated by INTIMA <02-10-2009> Pre-Birthday
Before the INTIMA kuih brought by Kah Jong that was left during the conference of Staff INTI college.
She still don't know what will going to happen later.XD

Different posture...^^ Ah tan owes on day dreaming state...huh...XD

During the meeting...why everyone looks so lackadaisical???

''The Voice of the Students'' or ''You and Me, One Team, One Legend''???
We're discuss about the INTIMA Slogan!!! Which one more better???^^

SupRiS3!!! Strawberry cake!!!=) Happy 20th Birthday to YOU-mummy!!! May ur wish all come true and get more and more pretty!!! Happiness with MoM0 every moment!!! Cherish the time with Mom0=) Love You Always!!! Muacksssssssss...^^

Cutting the cake...=)

Nice to know YOU-mummy!!!^^

Time to receive gift...=)

Celebrated by FRIENDS <03-10-2009> Real Birthday
Saturday, memorable day, the REAL Birthday of Sally-mummy. And is also the day of Mid-Autumn Festival. We're celebrated her 20th birthday at ThE SprInG. Friends including me, Jiang Ting, Jacqueline, Jason, Abby, Elisa and Kristy. Me, Jiang Ting, Jason and Abby went to ThE sPrinG by INTI bus. The way to ThE sPriNg, I just realized that I forgot to inform Elisa to take INTI bus...Gosh... After half an hour, we reached the destination-ThE spRinG!!! And I directly called Elisa see whether she at where? Luckily she at ThE SpRinG, if not, i will feel GuilTy la... Elisa told me that she and Kristy at 2nd floor to buy something and asked me to wait her at the food court there. Whereas Jason and Abby also went to 2nd floor to buy their things. Just left 3 of us including me, Jiang Ting and Jacqueline at 1st floor. We walked to the food court there and planned to find a seat because today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, so I afraid of can't find a seat. Really full of ppl in food court there!!! Really can't find any single seat over there!!! And I tried to call hui see whether she is on the way coming now, but then she told me that might be not that fast arrive ThE sPriNg because of Morgan wanna buy duck. So, 3 of us went to 2nd floor to find Elisa them. We meet Elisa them at Padini there. After finish bought the things, we walked to food court there together. Luckily, we found a seat!!! Yuhoo!!!XD We're all sat there and waiting for the coming of Birthday Gal!!!But then, its take quite long time. So, I called hui again see whether where is she? And she told me that she is already at ThE SprInG. Good!!! Haha....XD
Here's my mummy-hui...=)

Japanese packages treated by Jason since he yet promised hui last semester!!!haha...XD
Next time, I want Korea packages ya...hehe...XD

My Korea packages of lunch... Spicy and sour!!!Nice!!! Thumbs upppp!!!^^
I like it so much!!!hehehe...XD...

Surprise giving by Elisa!!! Not only hui felt surprised!!! I am also surprised and shocked!!! Touching moment!!!^^

Make a WisH...
1st wish is:?
2nd wish is:?
3rd wish is:?
All in ur heart=)
Keep it...
May ur wish all come true!!!

3 Best Ro0mate!!!
Jiang Ting, hui, and me.=)

Friendship 4ever!!!=) Memorable moments^^
After the celebration, I m waiting for my aunt and uncle come to pick me to their house to have a celebration for mooncake festival and my cousin have a WuShu performance at the China Street-(the detailed explanation will be on next post=)). Jason, Abby and Jiang Ting followed hui and Morgan went to Saberkas, because Jiang Ting is looking for the new handphone since she was lost her handphone last few weeks. That careless gal ah!!!*sigh*...=.=
Celebration of mummy-hui's 20th Birthday!!!
*hugggsss*Memorable moments*
Here's my mummy-hui...=)

Japanese packages treated by Jason since he yet promised hui last semester!!!haha...XD
Next time, I want Korea packages ya...hehe...XD

My Korea packages of lunch... Spicy and sour!!!Nice!!! Thumbs upppp!!!^^
I like it so much!!!hehehe...XD...

Surprise giving by Elisa!!! Not only hui felt surprised!!! I am also surprised and shocked!!! Touching moment!!!^^

Make a WisH...
1st wish is:?
2nd wish is:?
3rd wish is:?
All in ur heart=)
Keep it...
May ur wish all come true!!!

3 Best Ro0mate!!!
Jiang Ting, hui, and me.=)

Friendship 4ever!!!=) Memorable moments^^

Celebration of mummy-hui's 20th Birthday!!!
*hugggsss*Memorable moments*
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