The way to ''The Spring'' by INTI bus. Hahaha...Jason gonna treat us Pizza Hut since he promise us long long time ago...haha...but its least got treat us eat then OK le...wahahaha...he treat us eat cause he got a RM300 of introduce commission from marketing department.XD...Unfortunately, ''The Spring'' don't have Pizza Hut la...*sigh*...we really don't know which fast food restaurant actually we want to fill our stomach liao...we come here for wat? We want to eat Pizza Hut neh... What to do? No choice, finally we fill our stomach in SugarBun. Not bad and hui ordered one set dinner plate and one burger...whereas Jason and his girl friend ordered waffle, dinner fish plate, potato...
Very suddenly, not psychologically prepared when i was in a time when take chilli sauce...for the appearance beside me-->泽安. Hey dude!!!long time didn't see u since how many weeks lo...i thk almost one month lo...fortunately til remember us la...huh... Day by day over time, also with the appearance of your changes...look more ''Eng Tao'' than before liao o...hahaha...not bad...=) What coincidence, Elisa-->the girl that i introduce to 泽安 since last semester also came to ''The Spring'' today...aha...i have an IDEA!!!hahaha....let them have a preliminary talk...hehe... Hmm...speechless and discomfiture toward them was unavoidable...first time ma...hahaha...
Here they are...Elisa with a Pink white chothe whereas 泽安 with a white T-shirt...seem like 泽安more nervous and shy than Elisa neh...hahaha....just relax and take it easy la both of u...^^ new friend bah...^^
Don't be SHY SHY BOY you're really not your ordinary neh...XD...a bit funny...^^
Blur blur face....and keep on smile=)
Take a LOOK!!! That is the one of Unprofessional model with non-professional posture to promote a tin of ''Orange Juice''. I hope the impact will not be affected by his curbstone posture...^^hehe...
Here i am... in a Word-->FAT!!! I am Fat now!!!huh...i m trying to deduct my Excess FAT!!! *sigh*...== hate....=(
Here the NICE and THICK soya bean juice was introduce by Morgan. The taste quite nice...strong taste of soy milk... Ehm...where it is the located between the shops i am not really sure lo...coz i m just sitting inside the car and look at the scenery outside the window...hahaha....and i m a girl who is directional idiot even i have been to many times...hehe...^^ After having a soya bean juice, Morgan fetch us went back to our own college... And 泽安 still have a lot of Program for tonight leh...didn't ask us join o...go for a movie--''Transformer'', after movie straight to clubbing o....but me and hui just can stay in hostel lo...==
I'm Pauline cECILIA an ordinary gal living in the Earth. Being brought into the world by my mama and papa which is on 21st March 1990. Obviously an Aries which is surprisingly sensitive and eager to please. Though I can be pushy and domineering or controlling at times, i also idealistic, trusting, and in great need of reassurance.
I feel most secure when am in love with my permanent partner. So ,don't break my heart to make me cry days and nights. Yeap, I deserve a better one but not the PAST!I require a great deal of affection and tenderness from my friends.
God's LOVE is my motivation.
~Nice to meet u all~♥
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