Saturday, November 21, 2009

Good men are EXTINCT!!!

Seriously, if ur gf is angrying and off her cell phone without telling u...BOYS, how and wat would u do to get back their hearts???hmph!!!I know wat's the answer!!They may have no reaction and waiting for gals to calm down and find back them!!!Boys, u're wrong!!!Wat gals want is ur Caring and Consideration. Gals wan u to comfort her when she's sad rather than ignore her, until she feel good.
Undeniably, men total about face-saving. Don't u guys know tat gals always like playing ''PRINCESS temper''???!!!This is so-called the nature of woman. Let's said, if u really love and care bout her, once you know tat she's off her cell phone and can't contact her at all, you should be very nervous, and then tried to find out where's she???!!!
Rather than sitting there doing nothing, waiting for her ''gas consumption''-feel good and find back u! This way will certainly backfire u know?!
Even if she was really turned off her cell phone, you guys can also try to calls to her, and keep messaging her in order to let her be pleasantly surprised after on her cell phone...Let her know how much you care about and care for her...
Something as simple as it really that difficult to accomplish?

Nowadays, man is care about face-saving, admit defeat, self-esteem damned strong and thus will not yield easily...even if you were her girlfriend !!!

Disappointed in relationship!!!
Hate LOVE!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nobita and Doraemon 大雄&叮当

Nobita and Doraemon
U guys must be feeling weird and wonder why that I would put this picture???
It was a long long long story to tell...
When am looking at this picture, it will let me think of my first love...
Don't know why...
Recently, I had a compulsion to return to the time we were together.
I admit that am a silly gal!!!
Am stupid!!!
Am useless!!!
Even so, it is still no way to stop me to think about you ah!!!
Am suffer right now u know!!!
U never know since u started a new relationship with her.
And u are right,
cos this is the respect for the new relationship.
Since I once failed in love with 2nd relationship,
I had tried hardly to forget him and started my new life.
I thought that am successfully to get rid of miss him.
Backfire, not only I did not succeed and survived from it,
whenever I thought of the way he treated me when we were still a couple,
naturally, you(大雄) will be reminded of in my mind.

I miss!!!
I Miss!!!
I really MISS!!!
I really miss U ah!!!
I miss the morning call from u to awake me from slept!
I miss ur every called!
I miss ur thoughtful.
I miss ur softness to me.
I miss ur everything.
I think you have all forgotten.
Do u still remember our nickname?
I like our NICKNAME-大雄&叮当
Because of I like to watch Cartoon of Doraemon,
u gave me the nickname-叮当
Superadd, I am kind of ''meat meat''-fat gal as Doraemon,
U said that nickname suitable for me and immediately change to 叮当from from ur contact list.
Instead, I don't felt angry but made me feeling cute.=)
Therefore, am also gave you a nickname as well-大雄.
All these have become the past, and will never ever come back.
Day and night, these memories constantly echoes in my mind,
so what!!!???
U no longer belongs to me,
No matter how much I miss u, I can‘t and not qualified to let u know.
Am feeling tired and exhausted!!!
I also don't brave enough to send u a message since the day u told me that u have a new gal friend...
I lost my COURAGE to find u as before.
I thought that I had set aside all the past and started my new life,
may be it was only happened in the dream bah...

Vent out!!!

Nobita and Doraemon

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Question for Pauline cECILIA

Just came back from miri last night.
Tired and feeling exhausted...
The journey way back to Sibu from Miri,
It was the 2nd time Am sat alone inside the bus and listen to music through my cell phone...
It was damned damned cold inside the bus...
plus, the worst thing,
it was a rainy day...
Am almost became a SNOWGAL.
The lyrics with the melody let my emotions came...
Am kept thought and thought...
My mind constantly emerging previous things...
Only a QUESTION I would like to ask myself...
It will be : Am I still?
Am I still do stand ORIGIN???
It cannot be!!!
I should be look forward!!!
Rather than still miss to the PAST!!!
U urself should know how much you were being hurt and how pain it will be!!!
It is not worth for u to think back and teardrop again and again!!!
I admit that Am a silly gal...
But the things come naturally...
Me myself cannot be avoided...

Am thought of the 1st piece of fallen leaf...
Am felt damn regret coz of let IT go...
Why am I did not grasp it...
Now, it had been flying to the hands of others...

Am miss the moment with the 2nd piece of fallen leaf...
Everything I did for IT is full with my LOVE HEART...
And I am willing to sacrifice for IT...
But wat I get from IT was HURT.

That's why!!!
Why am I still miss to the past!!!

Stupid Silly PAULINE!!!